Tuesday 23 March 2010

Spring Update

21st March
The Spring Equinox, and the quarter moon. We're on the move again in Roseland, East Anglia. Pruning and clipping and burning, feeding and disinfecting, watching the little buds burst into big ones fat with the promise of velvety petals and summer scent.

I love the Spring as much as the Autumn, the moment of change, the cusp, watching the cycles run into one another, raising my head from the frozen ground to catch the smell of green as warmth whispers from the future.

It has been a cold hard winter and for all gardeners Nature has played a trick and snow on the ground has kept the earth cold, held back the plant growth - the snowdrops are still a white blanket on the ground where usually by now the garden is golden with daffodils and primroses.

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